Throughout the history of the Beefmaster breed the main objective was profitable meat production. The best cattle produce the highest quality meat at the lowest cost, which means more profit. The breeding and management program that is followed is based on nature’s oldest law: ‘Survival of the fittest.’ Upon selection six characteristics are required. The required economically important traits are: fertility, temperament, weight, conformation, hardiness and milk production.
The Beefmaster Breed has been subject to compulsory performance testing for years now. The basic averages are an average birth weight of 36kg, an average weaning weight of 236kg, an average year old weight of 288kg with an average Inter Calving Period of 393 days and an average age first calving of 31 months. These average are across all areas in the country over many years.
One of the Fastest Growing breeds in South Africa. 150 Active Members with 68000 registered animals. This is the breed with the largest average herd size of breeds in the country.
Beefmasters are known for their adaptability to various climates and environments. They can thrive in both hot and cold weather conditions, and they are resistant to many common cattle diseases.
Beefmasters are known for their ability to gain weight quickly, which makes them an attractive choice for farmers who want to maximize their profits.
Beefmasters are relatively low maintenance compared to other breeds of cattle.
Beefmasters are known for their excellent fertility and mothering abilities resulting in their calves weaning very close to half their dams’ weight.
Beefmaster , even though it is a synthetic breed, performs very well in many crossbreeding plans where the increased weaning weight of resulting calves an productive fertile replacement females result.
Docile cattle are easier and cheaper to handle, have better growth and achieve better prices. Docile cattle also cause less injury and loss of weight and require less labour. Beefmaster cattle are known for their easy handling, although a cow’s mothering ability and protection of her calf should not be confused with bad temperament. Beefmasters are gentle, intelligent cattle and respond to the treatment they receive from their owners. Cattle with good temperament are a pleasure to work with and are more profitable. Differences in temperament are already observed before weaning and calves with poor temperament are culled at weaning. After weaning temperament is constantly monitored and animals that show unacceptable behaviour are culled.
Conformation is defined as ‘type on the hook”, and not “type on the hoof’. The ideal conformation is exemplified by that animal whose carcass will yield the most kilograms of tender lean beef per kilogram live weight. Visual characteristics are also evaluated, a bull should show masculinity, a clean underline, optimal scrotum size, outstanding musculature, and have ample length. A cow must be a feminine, have a strong functional udder, with good teats. Bulls and cows that show any signs of structural defects such as problems with feet and legs are culled.