There are minimum numbers of calves a cow must have given birth to at specific milestone ages. If a cow falls behind on these stages she is removed from the registry This is strict, but has resulted in a very fertile national herd.
Participation in Phase A & B of the National Performance Test Scheme is compulsory. All animals admitted and registered, must have the following data, recorded with the National Performance Test Scheme:
1.1.1) A heifer must calf before the age of 39 months.
1.1.2) A calving interval may not exceed 24 months (730 days).
1.1.3) The minimum number of calves a cow must produce by a certain age is noted in the table below:
Age of dam | Minimum number of calves |
3 years 3 months | 1 |
4 years 3 months | 2 |
5 years 3 months | 2 |
6 years 3 months | 3 |
7 years 3 months | 4 |
8 years 3 months | 5 |
9 years 3 months | 6 |
10 years 3 months | 7 |
1.2.1) A cow may not suckle more than two calves (unless a twin), which are weaned less than 90 days apart.
1.2.2) It is applicable to adopted calves, keeping complete records is essential and mandatory.
1.2.3) A cow must rear at least two of any three consecutive calves up to weaning.
1.3.1) The suitability for admission or registration will be based on compliance of the following:
* 90 in respect of ADG 205 day weight
* 90 in respect of ADG 365 day weight
* 90 in respect of ADG 18 monthes
* 90 on ADG in a fase D or fase C test.
All the bulls, which do not achieve these minimum standards, must according to regulations of the scheme’s slaughter clause be sent to a formally accredited abattoir. A minimum scrotal circumference of:
* 30 cm in respect of a weight below 400 kg
* 31 cm in respect of a weight of 400-449 kg
* 32 cm in respect of a weight of 450-499 kg
* 33 cm in respect of a weight of 500kg and more
The emphasis is on functional efficiency and the following visual characteristics will be considered.
The inspector will determine whether the defects are such that it should result in the disqualification of the animal:
* A Poor posture – weak and undesirable appearance
* Weak muscle ling – underdeveloped musculature
* Bulls with a lack of masculinity
* Heifers with a lack of femininity
* Pony-types or extreme large frame types
* Too fine or coarse bone structure
* Excessive sickle, upright hocks or cow hocks
* Weak pastern-joints, deformed hooves
* A flat, roofy or excessively sloping rump
* Cows with poor udder development or malformed teats
* Lack of pigmentation
* Excessive skin development in the navel, ears or dewlap
Animals with the following defects will not be suitable for admittance or registration:
* Hypoplasia of one or both testicles
* Poor temperament – wild, aggressive
* A poor or under developed lower jaw
* Woolly summer coat
* Permanent perpetual prolapse
* Wry tail or off center tail attachment
* Any other disorder that is scientifically recognized and diagnosed.
The herd book, to be known as the Beefmaster Herd Book, will consist of an Appendix – and Stud Book Proper Section.
Female animals that, at inspection, display the phenotypic characteristics of animals that are the offspring of Beefmaster bulls, of which one or both parents are unknown.
* It may not be the offspring of any animal from a dairy breed mated with a Beefmaster bull.
* It may not be animals of another recognized beef cattle breed that does not contain Brahman blood.
The offspring of these animals will be recorded as Appendix A and the male offspring will be recorded “not for registration”.
Female animals that, at inspection, display the phenotypic characteristics necessary and meet the minimum breed standards, as determined by the board, from time to time –
(a) which come from a herd of which the owner will provide a satisfactory report of the pedigree to the board, or
(b) previously recorded as a Beefmaster F1 and of which one or both parents are not known, will qualify for registration in the Appendix A section.
(a) Offspring born, from the mating of an Appendix A female and a registered Appendix B, Appendix C or Stud Book Proper Beefmaster bull, and which meet the minimum breed standards and displaying the required phenotypic characteristics of a Beefmaster, may be registered in the Appendix B Section: Provided that Beefmaster cattle which were previously recorded as F2 Beefmasters, of which only one or neither of the parents is known will qualify for registration in the Appendix B section.
(b) Offspring born from Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C or Stud Book Proper females due to multiple sires with registered Beefmaster bulls are also eligible to be registered in the Appendix B section.
Offspring born, from the mating of an Appendix B female and a registered Appendix B, Appendix C or Stud Book Proper Beefmaster bull, and which meet the minimum breed standards and displaying the required phenotypic characteristics of a Beefmaster, may be registered in the Appendix C Section: Provided that Beefmaster cattle which were previously recorded as F3 Beefmasters, of which both the parents are known will qualify for registration in the Appendix C section.
Offspring born, from the mating of an Appendix C female and a registered Appendix C or Stud Book Proper Beefmaster bull, and the offspring born from mating of Stud book Proper animals, which meet the minimum breed standards and displaying the required phenotypic characteristics of a Beefmaster, may be registered in the Stud Book Proper Section: Provided that Beefmaster cattle which were previously recorded as F4 Beefmasters by SA Stud Book, of which all four ancestors are known, are eligible for registration in the Stud Book Proper Section.
3.5.1) Naturally polled animals with no sign of the slightest scurs will with registration be awarded the letters PP, if
(a) in the case of a female its nearest horned ancestor, or ancestor with minor scurs is at least four generations away, and evidence is provided that the female did not produce any horned offspring, or
(b) documentary proof that such animal did not produce any horned offspring and that at least eight of the offspring of such animal resulted from mating with horned animals, or
(c) both parents are PP and did not produce horned offspring.
3.5.2) Naturally polled animals with no sign of the slightest scurs, will with registration be awarded the letter P, if both parents are naturally polled.
3.5.3) Animals with slight scurs will with registration be awarded the letters PH, if
(a) the animal show slight scurs regardless whether both parents are naturally polled, or
(b) the animal is naturally polled, but one of the parents is horned.
3.5.4) If an animal, to which one or both parents the letters PP, P or PH were awarded, are dehorned before inspection for registration, then written notice must be given to SA Stud Book and a note on the record of the animal will be made accordingly.
3.5.5) If offspring with horns or scurs are born from the mating of parents with the letters P or PP, then SA Stud Book should be informed and the parents will be reregistered PH.
The full breeding information and / or data of any Appendix and Stud Book Proper Beefmaster animals must be submitted to SA Stud Book in accordance with the provisions of the SA Stud Book Constitution.